Can You Freeze Spinach?

Can You Freeze Spinach? Everything you need to know

Can You Freeze Spinach?

Can You Freeze Spinach? Yes, you absolutely can and with great results as well. With proper packaging, frozen spinach can last up to year, but it is best to use it before to maximize its freshness. Frozen spinach is perfect for dips, quiche, casseroles, soup and pasta dishes.

Why Should You Freeze Spinach?

There are a couple reasons why you should freeze spinach.

These are:

1. Reduce Waste

Freezing your extra spinach will save you the trouble of having to throw out wilted greens that are no longer edible. For the thrifty shopper who recognizes the savings that buying in bulk brings, freezing will come in handy as an economical tool.

2. Time Saver

It’ll also save you time since you can do all the preparation work ahead of time.

3. Keeps It Fresh

Freezing spinach leaves also helps to keep them fresher than regular storage in the refrigerator does.

Please note that storing frozen spinach longer than twelve months can lead to freezer burn.

4. Always Have Some on Hand

Since spinach is a seasonal plant, buying in bulk and freezing for the ‘off-season’ is a great way to ensure that you always have fresh and ready to go spinach on hand. 

How to Freeze Spinach: Step-by-Step Guides

How to Freeze Spinach: a Step-by-Step Guide

There are several procedures that can be used to freeze spinach and your choice will depend on what types of meals you intend to prepare.

The three most common methods to freeze spinach are:

  • Freezing Pureed Leaves
  • Freezing Raw Leaves
  • Freezing Blanched Leaves

Freezing Pureed Spinach Leaves

This method can be used if the thawed leaves will be incorporated into shakes or sauces that require the leaves to be blended.


  1. Wash the fresh spinach leaves under running water to get rid of soil particles or insects.
  2. Add 1 cup of water to your blender and a handful or two of the spinach leaves. Blend for at least a minute or until the mixture is smooth.
  3. Repeat step 2 until all the leaves are blended.
  4. Pour the blended mixture into muffin trays or large ice cube trays and place them in the freezer until solid.
  5. Once the mixture is frozen solid, remove from the freezer. Remove the cubes from the molds and place them into freezer bags for storage.
  6. Label, date and return the bags to the freezer.

Freezing Raw Spinach Leaves

This method is the quickest and easiest. Frozen raw spinach leaves can be used for virtually any recipe of choice, since there is not much change in texture or appearance.


  1. Wash your greens thoroughly under running water.
  2. Place the clean leaves in freezer bags that hold meal sized portions. Squeeze all the air from the bags or use a vacuum sealer to seal the bags for an airtight finish.
  3. Label, date and place in the freezer until ready to be used.

Freezing Blanched Spinach Leaves

Many people prefer to blanch their leaves first, as it helps to retain the color of the spinach leaves and reduces them down, making them less bulky for storage.


  1. Allow a large pot of water to boil while you wash the spinach leaves thoroughly in running water.
  2. Place the spinach leaves into the boiling water for about 10 seconds.
  3. Remove the blanched leaves and place them in cold water to stop the cooking process.
  4. Remove leaves from cold water and allow them to drain. Once drained, place meal sized portions into freezer bags and remove the excess air.
  5. Label, date and store in the freezer until ready for use.

Thawing Frozen Spinach

Frozen spinach is very easy to thaw when you are ready to use it.

Defrosting for one to two hours should be enough to thaw both blanched and unblanched frozen spinach leaves.

For spinach frozen in cubes, these can be added directly to the pot or blender for a smoothie.

If you want more detailed instructions, check out our guide to thawing frozen spinach.

Wrapping it up

Now I want to hear from you!

Which method from the list will you be using to freeze spinach going forward?

Was there anything we missed or specific question you wanted answered?

Whichever way, let me know in the comments below.

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