Can You Freeze Scones? Everything You Need to Know

Can You Freeze Scones? Everything You Need to Know
Photo by James E. Petts

Scones are a type of biscuit that is typically eaten as an afternoon snack in the United Kingdom, where they are wildly popular. They can be eaten on their own, or with other accompaniments like jam or butter.

If you landed on this page, you are probably wondering if can you freeze scones to extend their shelf life or have them at a later time?

We answer that question below, as well as highlight the best ways to go about doing it.

Can You Freeze Scones & Should You Be Doing It?

Best Way to Freeze Scones

Yes, you can freeze both baked and unbaked scones and you will find that people use this as a viable option if they are looking to keep these baked treats to be enjoyed at a later date. The good thing about keeping scones in the freezer is that they can last up to 2-3 months in the freezer, so you can always have some on hand when you need them.

One of the main reasons people choose to freeze scones is that it can help them save time.

If they are having a party or function and plan on serving them on the day, they can always make a big batch ahead of time and either bake or reheat them (depending on how you froze the scones) on the day.

Are There Any Negatives to Freezing Them?

You should always have scones freshly baked, but when you freeze and reheat them, there should be no significant change is the taste or texture (once they are packaged properly for the freezer).

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How to Freeze Scones: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to freeze Scones - a Step-by-Step Guide

Freezing scones is a simple process and if you are planning on making a batch ahead of time for a party or you just want to have extra on hand, the key is to packing them properly before they go in the freezer.

You can either freeze scones before or after baking and below we will show you how to do both below:

Freezing Baked Scones

  1. Before freezing your scones, they need to be completely cooled before placing them in the freezer.
  2. Once cooled, take the scones and wrap with clear plastic wrap. Ensure that they are fully covered, as this will ensure that no weird freezer smells seep in. This can affect their taste when you thaw and reheat them.
  3. If you want to add an extra layer of protection, you can wrap them again with aluminum foil.
  4. You will now take the wrapped scones and place them in a freezer bag or container. If you are using a heavy duty freezer bag, try to squeeze as much air out of the bags before closing them.
  5. Before you place the bags of scones in the freezer, you should label them. This will let you know when they were placed in the freezer and when you need to use them by. Remember, frozen scones should be used 2-3 months after freezing if you want to maximize their freshness.

Freezing Unbaked Scones

Freezing unbaked scones is a good option to consider if you need to make scones ahead of time and bake them the same day.


  1. Make your scones using your favorite recipe. Shape them and then place them on a baking sheet.
  2. You will now take the baking sheet and place in the freezer, allowing the unbaked scones to freeze completely.
  3. Once they are frozen solid, you will now take them and place in a freezer bag or container.
  4. Label the freezer bag or container, so that you can know how long they have been in the freezer.
  5. When you are ready to eat them, let them thaw overnight in the freezer, then place them in the oven to bake.

When baked, there should be difference between those frozen and those baked fresh. They will have the same taste and texture. This makes freezing unbaked scones a great time-saving option if you are looking to make them ahead of time and bake them on the day.

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Thawing Frozen Scones

When you are ready to enjoy your frozen scones, you will need to thaw and reheat them.

To thaw your scones, place them in the refrigerator and let them defrost overnight.

This ensures that they are properly thawed and can be heated up quickly.

While we recommend that before you reheat scones, you should let them thaw out, you also have the option of reheating them directly from the freezer.

This is a longer process and you will have to add about 10 minutes onto your cooking time if they are frozen solid when placing them in an oven.

We created a more in-depth reheating scone guide a while back, you can check it out here.

If you are not going to eat them right away, store thawed scones in an airtight container in the fridge for up to two days.

Wrapping it up

Freezing scones is a simple process that allows you to store them indefinitely in the freezer. Ideally, it is best to use them within one month of storing them.

This is a good long-term storage option to consider if you have extra scones that you do not want to go stale. Freezing also is a good option if you need to make scones ahead of time for a party or function (You can reheat them when you are ready to use them).

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