How to Melt Jolly Ranchers (The Best Methods to Use)

How to Melt Jolly Ranchers
jolly rancher” (CC BY 2.0) by frankieleon

In this article, you will learn how to melt Jolly Ranchers. This process is simple and can be done with a few reheating methods. We will highlight a few of the most popular methods so that you can choose the one works the best for you.

Now let’s get right into it.

Can You Melt Jolly Ranchers?

Yes, you can melt Jolly Ranchers, all you need is a little heat. Melting this popular candy is often done to create different shapes or to pour into molds. Melted Jolly Ranchers can also be used in baking or to make flavored syrups. The process is not overly complicated, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

How to Melt Jolly Ranchers – 3 Best Methods You Can Use

The Best Way to Melt Jolly Ranchers
jolly ranchers” (CC BY 2.0) by Jo Naylor

If you want to know how to melt Jolly Ranchers, you have three options available to you. These are:

  • Microwave
  • Oven
  • Stovetop

Let us take a more detailed look at each one below.

Melting Jolly Ranchers in The Microwave

The microwave is the quickest way to melt Jolly Ranchers. It will take about a minute to have the candy melted and ready for however you want to use it.


  1. Place the Jolly Ranchers in a microwave safe or silicone bowl/container.
  2. Microwave the candy for 30 seconds to 1 minute, till it’s melted.
  3. Be careful when removing the bowl/container from the oven as the melted candy will be extremely hot.
  4.  Pour the melted candy into your mold or onto your baking surface.
  5. Let it cool and harden before using or eating it.

If you want to see the melting process step-by-step, check out the video below.

Melting Jolly Ranchers in The Oven

If you don’t have a microwave, you can use the oven to melt your Jolly Ranchers. This will take longer than the microwave method, but it will still only take a few minutes.


  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. Before placing the candy in the oven, use a mallet or rolling pin to crush the Jolly Ranchers into smaller pieces. This will help them melt quicker and more evenly.
  3. Place the Jolly Ranchers onto silicone baking sheet or oven safe bowl/container.
  4. Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes, until melted.
  5. Remove the bowl/container from the container and pour the candy into your mold or onto your baking surface.
  6. Let it cool and harden before using or eating it.

Melting Jolly Ranchers on the Stovetop

You can use the stovetop to melt Jolly Ranchers if you want to avoid using the oven or microwave. This is a good method to use, but you have to use care as stovetop temperatures can get too high and burn the candy.


  1. Place a saucepan on the stove over low heat.
  2. Allow the candy to heat up, but stir it frequently as it melts. This will help to prevent burning.
  3. Once melted, pour the candy into your mold or onto your baking surface.
  4. Let it cool and harden before using or eating it.


We’ve reached the end of this article and you should have a good understanding of how to melt Jolly Ranchers.

The process is simple and can be done with a few reheating methods.

  • The microwave is the quickest way to melt Jolly Ranchers.
  • The oven gets the job done, but will take a little longer.
  • The stovetop is another option, but you have to be careful not to burn the candy.

Now that you know how to melt this popular candy, the sky is the limit on what you can create! Get creative.

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