How to Tell if Watermelons are Ripe & Ready to Eat?

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How to Tell a Watermelon is Ripe & Ready to Eat?

Trying to figure out how to tell if a watermelon is ripe?

If you’ve ever been tasked with buying a watermelon, then you know it’s no easy task. What do you even look for in a watermelon to tell if it is ripe and ready to eat?

Well, it’s a combined of several things.  In this short guide, we will highlight some great tips on how to determine if a watermelon is not only ripe and ready to eat, but if it is also sweet and juicy.

So, continue reading for more.

How Do You Know When Watermelons are Ripe?

How Do You Know When Watermelons are Ripe?
Photo by Sahand Babali on Unsplash

Watermelons are one of summer’s sweet treats. Coming in a variety of sizes and shapes, they are perfect for eating as is or using for other delights. While there are dozens of varieties, watermelons are generally red or yellow on the inside with green skin on the outside. 

Some types have higher sugar content than others but generally they are usually sweet and juicy, perfect for cooling down in the hot summer months. 

So how do you determine if watermelons are ripe, as well as being ready to eat?

There are 3 mains way to determine a watermelon’s ripeness.

These would be:

  • Color
  • How it feels
  • How it tastes

Let’s take a more detailed look at each below.

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Bunch of Cut Watermelons
Photo by Daniel Dan from Pexels


When it comes to color, the first tip is not to choose a watermelon that’s shiny or dewy. Shininess or luster is the mark of an immature underdeveloped fruit.

Therefore, choose a melon that has a duller surface, it’s more likely to be ripe and sweet.

Another great tip is to look for the yellow spot watermelons develop over time. The fruit develops the ‘ground spot’ where it rests on the ground.

It’s usually yellow but can be cream or white. Because this spot develops over a period of time it can be taken as a mark of maturity.

If you can’t find the ground spot on a watermelon, then it was probably picked before it fully matured and there is a good chance it might not be fully ripe.

The final color indication when it comes to telling a watermelon’s ripeness is the look of the inner flesh. Once you cut the fruit open, the inner flesh should be a vibrant red or yellow depending on the variety. 


An old trick among farmers and watermelon lovers is to give the fruit a good thump while listening to the sound it gives off. It’s believed that a ripe watermelon will have a deep hollow sound. The explanation is that the juices of a ripe fruit leads to the hollow sound.

Another good trick is to feel the weight of the melon. A ripe juicy fruit will feel heavy for its size when it is ripe and overflowing with juices. 

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While the taste test might come a little too late, a sure proof way to tell any fruit is ripe is by taking a bite and watermelons are no different.

Ripe watermelons should be sweet and juicy. If the fruit is tasteless or not very sweet, then it probably isn’t ripe.

You can check out this quick video that will give a quick overview in letting you know if a watermelon is ripe or not.

Wrapping it up

There you have it. 3 quick and easy methods you can use to tell if a watermelon is ripe and ready to eat.

Now, you should have no problem finding that super-sweet & ripe watermelon when you go grocery shopping. Remember, the feel and color and the most important things to use when determining this fruits ripeness.

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With over a decade of exploring tech, food, travel, and beyond, Jeremy Dixon knows what’s worth your attention. A seasoned content curator, he uncovers the gems that make life more interesting, backed by solid research and a passion for quality.

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