How to Reheat a Stromboli: A Step-by-Step Guide

Have leftovers, but not sure exactly how to reheat your Stromboli properly?

Not to worry, many different methods can be used to warm up this popular Italian dish and we are going to cover them all in this article.

So, if you are ready to learn about how to reheat a Stromboli properly, then keep on reading.

Can You Reheat a Stromboli?

Yes, you can reheat a Stromboli. In fact, there are many ways to do it without too much hassle or change in taste or texture.

You will find that some people freeze strombolis, while others may also store leftovers in the refrigerator.

In those two instances, you would have to warm up the Stromboli if you wanted to eat it again.

What if I Don’t Want to Reheat a Stromboli?

Well, that is fine too. You may not want to have a warm Stromboli if you plan on eating the leftovers within the next two days.

Some people swear that having it cold tastes better than having it hot.

In my experience, reheated is always better, but to each their own.

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3 Best Methods for Reheating a Stromboli

There are many different ways to reheat a stromboli, but we have found three specific methods that work the best when trying to warm up this Italian dish.

The recommended reheating options are:

  • Oven
  • Toaster Oven
  • Air Fryer

How To Reheat A Stromboli in the Oven?

Similar to reheating a calzone, the oven is by far the best reheating option for a Stromboli.

By using the oven, you can provide an even heating process that will heat up your Stromboli to the proper temperature all throughout.


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. Cut your Stromboli in half Spread some olive oil onto the pan Place the cut side of one of the halves down on a sheet tray.
  3. Put in the oven and allow the Stromboli to reheat for 10-15 minutes until the cheese melts and the dough is hot all the way through.
  4. Once finished, remove from the oven and serve with marinara sauce on the side.

How to Reheat a Stromboli in a Toaster Oven?

Using the toaster oven will give you the same results as an oven, but with a little less work.

The main thing you have to remember with using a toaster oven is that they cook from both top and bottom at once. This will not only allow the Stromboli to have even heating, but it will also make the reheating process quicker.


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. Cut your Stromboli in half and spread some olive oil onto the pan. Place the cut side of one of the halves down on a sheet tray.
  3. Put in the oven and allow the Stromboli to reheat for 10-15 minutes until the cheese melts and the dough is hot all the way through.
  4. Once finished, remove from the oven and serve with marinara sauce on the side.

How to Reheat a Stromboli in an Air Fryer?

If you have an air fryer in your kitchen, then you have all the tools necessary to reheat a Stromboli.

The air fryer already has a quick and even heating process that will not only warm up your Stromboli quickly, but will also help to give it that crispiness that you love.


  1. Preheat the air fryer to 375 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. Cut your Stromboli in half and place in the air fryer tray.
  3. Put the Stromboli in the air fryer and allow it to reheat for 5-7minutes until it is fully heated through.
  4. If you find it is not crispy enough, put it in the air fryer for an additional minute until it crisps up to your liking.
  5. Once finished, remove from the air fryer and serve with marinara sauce on the side.

Note: You don’t want to keep the Stromboli too long in the air fryer as it could start to get too crispy or start to burn.

Do Not Use the Microwave to Heat Up Your Stromboli

While microwaves can heat up food quickly, it is not a good option to reheat your Stromboli and you could end up ruining the dish.

Certain foods that will come out crispy in the oven, tend to come out soft and soggy in the microwave. The oven and microwave use two different types of heat – convection and radiation – and they both cook food differently.

If you do not care too much about the Stromboli having that oven crispness or you just do not have an oven available, then the microwave can be used.

Please note that there is a chance the dough to become too chewy or soggy.


  1. Cut your Stromboli in half
  2. Place on a microwave-safe plate and heat on high for 30 seconds.
  3. If you feel your Stromboli is not hot all the way through, you can place it back in the microwave for an additional 15-30 seconds.
  4. Once finished, remove from the microwave, allow it to cool and then serve.

Wrapping it up

With so many different ways to reheat a stromboli, there is no excuse not to enjoy this dish at any time.

Whether you are using the oven, toaster oven, or air fryer, there is a method that will work perfectly for you.

Even if none of those heating options are available, you can also use the microwave, but please note that the microwave will not give you the same results as the oven or air fryer.

So the next time you have a stromboli leftover, don’t worry about it going to waste – just choose one of the methods above and enjoy!

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